Summary: 1 warning, 14 errors, and 2 infos
metrics coupling line 0 Afferent couplings: 0
metrics coupling line 0 Efferent couplings: 3 (Complex, List, Obj)
code open line 1 column 0 illegal 'open' statement
code identifier_length line 6 column 6 name "a" is too short (minimum size is 2)
miscellaneous regexp line 7 line matches regexp "Obj\\.magic"
typography line_length line 7 column 40 line is too long (40 instead of 32)
code useless_binding line 8 column 6 useless binding
code nested_for line 12 column 2 3 nested 'for' loops (instead of 2)
code string_literals line 17 string literal "hello." is used 3 times
code complex_condition line 23 column 2 complex condition (5 operators instead of 3)
typography line_length line 23 column 68 line is too long (68 instead of 32)
interface exported_count line 1 structure exports 4 items (instead of 2)
documentation type_comment line 3 column 0 missing type comment
typography line_length line 4 column 38 line is too long (38 instead of 32)
typography line_length line 5 column 45 line is too long (45 instead of 32)
documentation value_comment line 10 column 0 missing value comment
typography line_length line 13 column 35 line is too long (35 instead of 32)

Generated by Mascot 1.0