The following configuration file is used in the examples:
category code {
open = true;
useless_binding = true;
string_literals = true;
nested_for = { maximum = 2; }
identifier_length = true;
complex_condition = { maximum = 3; };
category documentation {
type_comment = true;
value_comment = true;
spell = true;
category interface {
exported_count = { maximum = 2; };
category metrics {
coupling = true;
category miscellaneous {
regexp = { expr = "Obj\\.magic"; case_sensitive = false; level = warning };
category typography {
tab_character = true;
trailing_new_line = true;
trailing_white_space = true;
line_length = { maximum = 32; }
The following signature file is will produce these results:
checkstyle ]
html ]
jdepend ]
text ]
xml ]
(** Module descriptoion. *)
type t
(* This one is not actually documented
(bare comment instead of ocamldoc one). *)
val f : int -> int
(** This one is documented. *)
val g : int -> int
val h : int -> int
(** This one is also documented. *)
The following structure file is will produce these results:
checkstyle ]
html ]
jdepend ]
text ]
xml ]
open Complex
type t
let f x =
let a = [| |] in
let len = List.length (Obj.magic a) in
let len = len in
let g y =
for i = 1 to y do
for i = 1 to y do
for i = 1 to y do
print_endline "hello.";
print_endline "hello.";
print_endline "hello."
let h z =
if (z > 1) || (z < 3) && (z >= 7) || (not (z = 2) || (z = 6)) then
z * z
z + z